Ozone therapy

A method of physiotherapeutic treatment and disease prevention that involves intravenous administration of medical ozone. This is a simple, painless and affordable procedure with a minimum of contraindications. It is well tolerated by patients, restores cells of organs and tissues, enriches the body with oxygen, cleanses the blood, and destroys pathogens of infectious diseases.

Intravenous ozone therapy is a treatment method that allows you to quickly eliminate the resulting oxygen starvation, sharply increase the consumption of glucose by cells and the production of biologically active compounds, normalize the processes of lipid peroxidation and balance the functioning of organs and systems. Ozonated saline solution (OSS) is obtained by passing a gas mixture of oxygen and ozone through a container with liquid.

How is ozone therapy performed?

How is ozone therapy performed?

Injection ozone therapy involves the introduction of special drugs into the body. It is used to achieve a quick systemic effect from the procedure: during the session, ozone-enriched drugs enter directly into the systemic bloodstream. Thanks to ozone therapy, you can quickly eliminate oxygen starvation, restore the balance of metabolic processes, and improve cell nutrition.

A physiotherapeutic procedure saturates tissues with oxygen, strengthens the immune system, activates defense mechanisms in the body, improves metabolism and relieves pain. Ozone therapy alleviates diabetes, asthma, joint and back diseases. Helps in the prevention of acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and coronavirus.

What is the procedure

Ozone therapy involves introducing ozone (O3), a gas that is a reactive form of oxygen, into the body. Once in the body, ozone breaks down into ozonides, which saturate the body with oxygen, being the strongest antioxidant, they increase the body’s protective functions, prevent the formation of free radicals and strengthen the immune system.

Ozone is introduced into the body intravenously, in the form of a solution by injection, as part of the autohemotherapy procedure, as part of distilled water that the patient drinks, by inhalation, dropper, rectally, applying ozone-rich creams and oils to the skin, taking baths filled with ozonated water and other methods. .

Pros and effects of ozone on the body

Ozone therapy of the body is used in the complex treatment of many diseases.

Effect of ozone on the body:

Strengthens your immune system; Kills bacteria and viruses on contact; Increases the Oxygen levels in your cells; Detoxifies your body; Reduces inflammations; Helps with weight loss; Can kill cancer cells; Anti-aging applications; Increases energy; Reduces the body’s acidity.


has a comprehensive healing effect on the body; minimal discomfort during the procedure; low cost; there is no rehabilitation period, after the procedure the patient can go about his business; the effect occurs even after the first procedure; the procedure is safe; there are no age restrictions; does not cause complications in the absence of contraindications.


for back pain, osteochondrosis and joint pain; for bursitis, arthrosis and arthritis; with weakened immunity in order to increase it to protect against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, including coronavirus; for people who frequently come into contact with infectious patients to increase immunity; for problem skin - wrinkles, pimples, acne and scars; for some genital tract infections; with prostatitis; during pregnancy with pathology of the placenta and risks of miscarriage; to combat cellulite and stretch marks; to correct a double chin; to reduce body fat and lose weight; for hair loss; for inflammatory diseases; for the treatment of atherosclerosis; for psoriasis; for diabetes mellitus; with rosacea and varicose veins; for the treatment of hypertension.